Welcome to the PTA section.
The PTA raises money to goes towards supporting the school. So far this year the PTA has paid for play equipment for the whole school, helped fund maths resources and paid for author Wes Magee to visit the school. The PTA has also contributed towards new PE mats and supports various clubs throughout the school.
The committee:
Chair: Jemma Telford / Amy Forster
Secretary: Cathryn Lopez
Treasurer: Kirsty Norris
School Contact: Huw Davies -
We can be contacted through the school office.
Our next meeting / event :
We appreciate that not everyone is able to attend our meetings, but if you would still like to help out in some way, at a particular event, for instance, please can you provide one of the committee with your email address, text/phone number, and we can contact you when an event is coming up.